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Review for Coastal Defences of the British Empire

Author/Director : Daniel MacCannell

Format : Book

The physical structures for the defence of the coasts are occasionally touched upon but rarely dealt with in detail. That this book does just that makes it special. The text flows easily and covers the political background, the designs and discussions around them and goes on to the building, equipping and manning of the great variety of structures. In addition to the British Isle overseas territories are covered. There are lots of illustrations placed in their relevant locations throughout the book. Among the extensive end notes there are many references out to further reading.
This is both an informative and enjoyable read which we recommend to all readers.

Published by : Pen & Sword Military, 2021
ISBN : 978 1 52675 345 8

Review last updated : 2021-07-05 11:09:17

See also : other "Napoleonic Wars" reviews