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Review for Ships of the Royal Navy
Author/Director : J J Colledge, Ben Warlow & Steve Bush
Format : Book
Revised and updated this is the fifth edition of this superb work of reference. The names and significant information about every Royal Navy ship from the Fifteenth century up until those under construction today. There is sufficient introductory information to allow the reader to understand the necessarily abbreviated text. Even so this is a large book of nearly 500 pages with a rough estimate of 15,000 ships names. Also included are the Royal Australian, Canadian and New Zealand navies. As an aside even some people who are just curious about names can find that there are nine ships which have been called Magpie, nine called Penguin and thirty-one called Sparrow.
This is a must have book for anyone with an interest in the Royal Navy.
Very highly recommended.
Published by : Seaforth Publishing, 2020
ISBN : 978 1 5267 9327 0
Review last updated : 2021-04-12 13:22:50