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Review for The Light Division in the Peninsular War 1808-1811
Author/Director : Tim Saunders & Rob Yuill
Format : Book
Our opinion of this book is best summed up by imploring the authors, Tim Saunders and Bob Yuill, to let us have volume two as soon as possible. This book about the Light Division is well focused and doesn’t drift off into writing about the wider campaign more than is necessary to tell the Division’s story. Of particular interest are the many insights into the lives of the officers and ordinary infantry soldiers between the battles. The story flows easily along the timeline from the Division’s inception to its fruition.
There are a large number of maps and photographs interspersed throughout the text. Many photographs are of the locations today which would be a big help to anyone visiting the battlefields and marching routes.
We highly recommend this book and look forward to volume two.
Published by : Pen & Sword Military, 2020
ISBN : 978 1 52675 732 6
Review last updated : 2020-06-15 11:04:23