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Recent reviews :
- The Men of Wellington's Light Division (Gareth Glover and Robert Burnham)
- Blood, Guts and Gore. (John Gordon Smith )
- Armoured Warfare in the British Army 1939-1945 (Dick Taylor)
- Battle Understanding Conflict Hastings to Helmand (Graeme Callister & Rachael Whitbread)
- Eyewitness at Dieppe (Ross Reyburn)
- Echoes From Dawn Skies - Early Aviators: A Lost Manuscript Rediscovered (Frederick Warren Merriam)
- The Decline of Empires in South Asia (Heather A Campbell)
- The Final Curtain Burma 1941-1945 (Jeremy Archer)
- The Harwich Striking Force (Steve R Dunn)
- Churchill's Arctic Convoys (William Smith)
Book reviews for - General Military or Reference
Battle Understanding Conflict Hastings to Helmand
Graeme Callister & Rachael Whitbread
This is a rather different sort of book in not being about a war, campaign or battle but rather about all battles. It gives the reader a framework through which to assess any particular battle or conflict. The authors make the case that every conflict has a number of contributing factors which add or subtract from the outcome. Their approach is to give each of these factors a chapter which concludes with an account of one or two battles in which the particular factor was significant. They do stress that all the factors have a part to play to a greater or lesser degree in every battle. They also point out the ever present difficulty of finding accurate information about these matters.
The aim of the book is to aid in the understanding of battles and in this it succeeds very well indeed.
We highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to understand battles of any place or period.
Pen & Sword Military, 2022
Armoured Warfare in the British Army 1914-1939
Dick Taylor
The fly leaf note calls this book a tour de force and so it is. It very thoroughly covers the very beginning of British armoured vehicles through to 1939. The first fumbling attempts towards mechanized warfare gave Britain world leader status by the end of the First World war. The internal politics of the army plus the financial constraints of the depression lost us that leadership by the start of the Second World war. Naturally there is a lot about the use and misuse of the first tanks and some dramatic description of conditions inside them. This book ranges from battlefield heroism to Whitehall shenanigans and tells both stories well.
There are a lot of photographs scattered through the book, the appendices are a mini reference book in themselves and the bibliography is extensive.
This is the first of a three volume work and the next volume cannot come too soon. We very highly recommend it
Pen & Sword Military, 2022
British Naval Trawlers and Drifters in Two World Wars
Steve R Dunn
The work of Trawlers and Drifters has had a mention in many books but non conveyed the quite incredible amount of service given by these ships and their crews. The narrative contains many stories of particular actions which illustrate the enormous range of tough tasks these small ships were given. The range runs from the almost static boom defence drifters to trawlers acting as rescue ships for the arctic convoys, from the insertion of clandestine agents to the evacuation at Dunkirk. Losses were high from mines, torpedoes and bombs with, in most cases, no survivors. Some reference to the internal politics of the Admiralty is made in the context of explaining why so many of our fishing fleet were required to support the navy. Passing reference is also made to that support still being needed for the Falklands war.
Anyone familiar with John Lambert’s drawings will not be disappointed by those assembled here; quality and quantity almost sufficient to build a boat and certainly great for any ship modeller.
The quality of the publication is such that if the content had been limited to the many photographs and drawings with simple annotations it would have been a very interesting book but with Steve Dunn’s supporting narrative it is raised to a higher level.
We highly recommend it.
Seaforth Publishing, 2021
The Power and the Glory
Steve Dunn
This is a novel view of the Royal Navy over most of its existence. Naval Reviews were the pulling together of the fleet to show the nation’s power and might ostensibly [even ostentatiously] to the monarch but to friends and potential enemies alike. The author has brought together a fascinating array of information not only about the ships but material ranging from the strategic background to the lunch menus. The result is a brilliant overview of our changing navy with a bonus of insight into the society of the time of change.
Photographs abound throughout the book and the text is lucid and engaging .
However for those, like me, who love the Royal Navy the full story is a tragedy. The book tells the nation’s story of increasing power until its zenith and then the steady decline to today’s level. This is also the navy’s story.
We highly commend this novel approach to naval history to all readers.
Seaforth Publishing, 2021
Ships of the Royal Navy
J J Colledge, Ben Warlow & Steve Bush
Revised and updated this is the fifth edition of this superb work of reference. The names and significant information about every Royal Navy ship from the Fifteenth century up until those under construction today. There is sufficient introductory information to allow the reader to understand the necessarily abbreviated text. Even so this is a large book of nearly 500 pages with a rough estimate of 15,000 ships names. Also included are the Royal Australian, Canadian and New Zealand navies. As an aside even some people who are just curious about names can find that there are nine ships which have been called Magpie, nine called Penguin and thirty-one called Sparrow.
This is a must have book for anyone with an interest in the Royal Navy.
Very highly recommended.
Seaforth Publishing, 2020
Torpedo Bombers 1900-1950, An Illustrated History
Jean-Denis Lepage
This is an unusual work, probably of more interest the the naval aviation enthusiast rather than the casual reader. It is split chronologically into sections based on significant periods during the years listed, covering the full range of the popularity and service of the type. Each section is then split into nations, and lists, it looks like, every single aircraft every designed to carry a torpedo. Of course it covers the classics such as the Fairey Swordfish, the Douglas Devastator, the Grumman Avenger, the Nakajima 'Kate'. But it also covers obscure prototypes that never made it into service, and early service machines like the Shorts Type 166 and the Aeromarine 700. Each main section has a brief introduction covering the main developments of that period, but it is the individual aircraft sections that are king here. Stats, development, service history and strengths/weaknesses are given for each type along with an illustration of it. And iIlustrated, this book certainly is. It is filled with the author's own grey-scale illustrations of I believe every airframe mentioned in the text, which while unusual, are effective in giving an impression of what the aircraft would have looked like, which is especially useful for those which are particularly rare and hard to find photographs of. Clearly a great deal of work has gone into this, and while it was difficult to read cover to cover, it will be an invaluable reference.
Pen and Sword Military, 2020
MI5: British Security Service Operations 1909-1945
Nigel West
This book unravels many of the myths and mystery, some created by MI5 itself, which surround Britain’s secret counter-espionage organization. Given the nature of the beast there is great difficulty in getting to the truth even seventy years late. But in Nigel West’s book, a product of three years of painstaking research, we have as much of the story as we are ever likely to get. The period covered is from its creation in 1904 up to 1945.The whole book is about 240 pages including extensive notes, an index, a number of charts and a few rather special photographs which are fully annotated.
As for the content there are quite a lot of explanations about the structure of the organization and who sat at which desk which is much less interesting for the general reader than what they did. Although, in the main, what they did was not all dash and glory but cross referencing card indexes and careful plodding detective work. Pervading the whole set up was a kind of amateur professionalism that got the job done very successfully. I really enjoyed reading of the care and cunning of some very good brains and also being a little surprised at how much effort had to go into dealing with ‘the enemy’ within the justice system. Even the worst offenders appeared to get a fair trial although ‘in camera’.
The only section I was less than enamoured with was in parts of the introduction where the author criticizes previous attempts to tell the MI5 story.
This is a most readable book which we recommend to all levels of interest.
Frontline Books, 2019
United States Airborne Divisions 1942-2018 (Images of War series)
Michael Green
Another in the "Images of War" series, this is a good overview of the equipment and organisation of, primarily, the 82nd and 101st Airborne divisions, with some coverage of other divisions and their brief histories. It nicely blends their WW2 histories with airborne actions since then, up to their modern organisation, kit and equipment, and vehicles/aircraft including their current deployment of drones.
The main focus of the book is, of course, the usual mix of photographs that you will have come to expect if you are a regular to these publications. Archive and in theatre images are coupled with museum exhibits, reenactors and press/publicity photos. A very handy volume.
Pen & Sword Military, 2019
British Submarines in Two World Wars
Norman Friedman
This book was a real eye opener for me. I thought I knew quite a lot about submarines but my knowledge paled into insignificance when found the wealth of information before me. Here is a book that tells you all you need to know about submarines. One could probably build a period submarine with little more than the plans and descriptions here laid out. But the book is more than a technical manual. The thinking and attitudes which under pinned the planning and the execution of the Royal Navy’s submarine strategy are well described. The inter-war years are particularly fascinating in this respect. The vessels themselves and the thinking behind them range from the actual through the practical and onto the weird and wonderful. Many things caught my eye and imagination among which were beam firing torpedoes, a large submarine cruiser mounting 6 x 6” guns, some very strange and ugly hull forms, and an aircraft carrying submarine which was built but never went into service. There is also a special mention for the only action in which a submarine has torpedoed another while both were submerged.
This is a large book, 295 mm by 250 mm portrait with 429 pages. There are many photographs, about one per page in total, all appropriately annotated. There are many reproductions of technical drawings from the National Maritime Museum and numerous superb John Lambert drawings. There are also two three page and one four page spread of whole ship drawings from the NMM. It is clearly the product of a massive amount of research written up in a very readable style. However I would caution against cover-to-cover reading unless you can absorb facts at a very high rate. There is no dross, ‘all meat and no gravy’ as my grandfather would say.
This is a rather special book and we highly recommend it.
Seaforth Publishing, 2019
The Trans-Atlantic Pioneers
Bruce Hales-Dutton
A timely book, all about overcoming the many problems associated with crossing the Atlantic by air, made more poignant by the fact that it was being reviewed during the very week of the centenary of that first crossing. In the true spirit of similar narrative histories of pioneers, this book begins with the problem itself, and has several chapters following the earliest attempts, followed by the successful ones of the 'Nancy boat' NC4, then Alcock and Brown's successful single hop, and those of the gallant fails. There's a sympathetic coverage of airship R34's oft-forgotten double crossing only a few weeks later, but all this is set against the fact that this was 1919, barely 13 years after the Wright brothers first flight, and less than a year after the trauma of the First World War.
The next few chapters follow the golden years of the 1920's and 30's, with different celebrity flyers trying to out-do each other and set new records, while the Graf Zeppelin serenely, and controversially because of the Nazi propaganda it inevitably created, attempted to make trans-Atlantic travel luxurious and almost routine.
It then moves on to another oft-forgotten aspect, that of the ferry flights back and forth between the aircraft factories of the US and the theatres of operations in Europe, with the stories of the exhausting schedule of the pilots who carried out this vital and un-sung work, and the thousands of aircraft they delivered.
The final section of the book moves into commercial aviation and covers the story of scheduled airline trans-Atlantic flights. It takes you from the basic postwar days of the prop-airliner, through the introduction of the jet, the jumbo and wide-bodies, the move to twin engine turbo-fans and, of course, Concord. Each of these latter chapters takes a particular aspect of aviation that significantly affected these routes, and while such a collection could never cover everything in detail, it manages to give a good account of why each thing matters while remaining human and anchoring itself with first-hand account from those 'who were there'. For personal preference, I would have liked more maps, for example of the various routes used to cross for the early flights, but the chronology of key events is very comprehensive, and the whole book is well paced, well constructed, enjoyable and recommended.
Air World - an imprint of Pen & Sword, Barnsley., 2018
Sir Alan Cobham, The Flying Legend.
Colin Cruddas
Published in association with The Aviation Historian Magazine.
This book is an important biography of an important figure in British aviation who held a pivotal position in the development of flying in the inter-war period. It begins with the early life of Alan J Cobham, born in 1894 in Camberwell to a middle class family, then outlines his work in the garment industry and farming before, in 1914, he joined up in the Army Veterinary Corps. He served with distinction in France, becoming a Veterinary Sergeant in charge of the welfare of 1,500 horses on the Western Front. It then describes how, after some childhood exposure to aircraft at Brooklands he applied to the Royal Flying Corps and, with connections and a certain degree of luck, was accepted and went on to become a flying instructor.
The biography follows on with his post war struggle to get a job, how he set up his own company with the Holmes brothers as a taxi pilot and went on to work for Airco, then de Havilland, in the air taxi and aerial photography business. However the book doesn’t dwell on the flying itself, as that was only one facet of the future Sir Alan’s success. It makes plain his organisational and leadership talents that would typify his approach. His long distance flights, to India, Cape Town and eventually Australia (for which he gained his Knighthood) are described, again placing emphasis on his ability to organise and finance the ventures as well as fly them. It points out the contributions of his relationship with influential figures like Sir Sefton Brancker and Lord Wakefield to his successes, but also to his view of aviation. He wasn’t one of the glory-seaking record breakers, though he did indeed break records. His focus was on proving that aviation had a commercial and practical future. Hence on his long-distance tours, such as the circumnavigation of Africa in a Shorts Singapore flying boat, he was making copious notes, reports and local contacts to lay the groundwork for future commercial air routes.
This is further shown in his next, and probably more famous venture, the National Aviation Days. During the 1930’s he led a troupe (later 2 troupes) of aircraft, ground personnel and pilots around the country giving demonstrations and experience flights to thousands of ordinary people. His purpose, again clearly shown in this book, was not to thrill or be a ‘barnstormer’ but to educate and ‘acclimatise’ the public to aircraft, and build what was termed ‘airmindedness’. It also highlights the contributions made to the Air Days by the long suffering Dallas Eskell and Hugh Thompson, without whom the venture would have come to grief several times.
This marks another shift in direction for the book. As the end of the 1930’s approached and Sir Alan's new company, Flight Refueling Ltd. showed more potential the book becomes more of a wider history of FRL than a biography of Sir Alan. It describes the major inventions in terms of both equipment and technique that FRL made to the in-flight refueling, including the important war-work it undertook in the 1940’s and the major developments since then.
All in all, this is an timely reminder of the work of a key figure in the history of aviation, one often overlooked in the modern world in favour of his more attention-seeking contemporaries but one who materially helped contribute to the air industry today. I would have preferred more maps and a bibliography, but the included illustrations are useful and welcome, and the text is well-written, balanced and highly readable. Definitely to be recommended.
Frontline Books (Yorkshire), 2018
Snipers at War
Walter, John
The subtitle to this quality volume is "An equipment and operations history" which neatly but a perhaps inadequately describes what it contains. Primarily this is a detailed history of the rifles and optical sights that sharpshooters have used around the world since the term and the technique gained popularity around the mid 1800's. There is a complicated introduction to ballistics with a considerable number of comparison example targets showing the spread of shots over measured distances for various rifles, and detailed discussions of the progress of the optics that went into producing ever more accurate and effective sights.
However as any military tactician will tell you, the weapon is more than just the rifle. This is where the book becomes more than just a small-arms guide. It includes an introduction into how sharpshooting became a recognised specialisation, taking it from the days of crossbows to the American Civil War. It also describes how sniping went in and out of military fashion over the 20th century, and even include a number of short biographies of some of the more prominent snipers of the 'glory days' of the First World War and the Eastern Front of the Second World War. It ends with a review of modern sniper weapons in use today, along with some notes on what it takes to be a sniper and how the craft has changed over the last 150 years. The book has plenty of good quality photographs throughout to illustrate the kit and personnel involved. All in all, it is a beautifully produced, impeccably researched study of the subject by someone who definitely knows what he's talking about, with enough detail to interest the knowledgeable while still being accessible to the interested. Highly recommended.
Greenhill Books, 2017
US Military Helicopters (Images of War series)
Green, Michael
A treat for anyone who, like me, has a passion for military helicopters, this book is very much what it appears to be, 220 pages full of useful pictures and information on the US Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps's rotor-based aircraft.
The book is split into 4 main chapters, covering early piston-engined helicopters, later gas-turbine workhorses (like the iconic UH-1 'Huey'), Gunships, and finally, well, everything else! Each chapter starts with a short, utilitarian description of the models covered in that chapter along with their capabilities, dates of service and developments. Then you're into the photos, at least three per double page along with captions that also contain plenty of useful detail. Some are images that you may recognise if you're familiar with the type or theatre of operations mentioned, but there are a good number I've never seen before and the coverage is good, from the earliest R-4B's, through Huey's, Piasecki's, Chinook's, UH-60's, Cobra's and Apaches, to even the V-22 Osprey (tilt-rotor) and the UH-72A Lakota. Reading cover to cover, or just dipping in, for recognition, modelling or simply interest, a great book to have to hand.
Pen & Sword Aviation, Barnsley, 2017
British Cruisers. Two World Wars and After
Norman Friedman
Wow! Another book from this author and publisher with the 'wow' factor. Lavishly illustrated with a photograph or line plan on almost every page. The text is packed with technical information, detail, and description of design, construction and application of these important ships. I read it cover to cover finding many nuggets of information on the way. e.g. One particular cruiser fresh out of dock had a range of 12,000nm; the same ship after eight months cruising was 'deep and dirty' had a range of only 8,000nm.
This book is a must for every Royal Navy enthusiast and would be of interest to the general reader. This is the kind of reference book where you find what you are looking for and are then temped to go on reading.
Highly recommended.
Seaforth publishing. Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2010
Victory from fighting the Armada to Trafalgar and Beyond
Iain Ballantyne & Jonathan Eastland
The classical curate's egg of a book. My reading was coloured by the first page of the explanation of Nautical Terms at the start of the book. There 'Bear up;Bear away' are given the same definition when they really mean the exact opposites of each other. Only 36 of the 228 pages of text are about the pre-Trafalgar ships. However having put the negatives I did read it cover to cover and found some interesting snippets. It is well illustrated and easy reading; entertaining for the generalist reader.
Pen & Sword Maratime, 2013
British Aircraft Carriers
David Hobbs
A wealth of knowledge presented in a most readable form for everyone from the novice to the initiated. Encyclopedic in scope it may be dipped into at any point but I found in reading cover to cover the fascinating story went from airships to future carriers. All aspects, design, development and service are dealt with. There are very many photographs, lots from the author's own collection, plus drawings and plans. An unusual but welcome feature are the fold out copies of Admiralty drawings which are in the middle of the book.
At £45 this is not a cheap book, but a Rolls Royce is not a cheap car, and this is a Rolls Royce of a book.
Seaforth Publishing. Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2013
The 11th Hussars
Richard Brett-Smith
A very good read, informative and well written. This is one of the Famous Regiments series edited by Lt. General Sir Brian Horrocks. It tells the story of the regiment from its creation as Honywood's Dragoons in 1715 up to its amalgamation with the 10th Hussars, to become The Royal Hussars, in 1969. A history from horses to Chieftain tanks. Sadly it has been out of print for quite some time, but worth searching for.
Leo Cooper Ltd., London, 1969
A History of Warfare
Montgomery of Alemein, Field-Marshal Viscount
The book covers, neccessarily without great depth, the whole of the world from ancient times up to the Nuclear Age. A great deal of information presented in a readable form, illustration and maps are accompanied with the military insights of one who held the highest commands.
William Collins, Sons and Co. Ltd., 1968
Pilot Cutters Under Sail
Tom Cunliffe
Not only an authorative review of the development of these special craft but a social history of a 'special' working group. There is plenty of well researched 'meat' for the specialist but it is so well written as to be accessible and to be enjoyed by the interested reader. Some previous knowledge of small boat sailing is helpful otherwise read the last two chapters first. Although it could be a 'coffee-table book' once started I found it difficult to put down.
Seaforth Publishing, Pen & Sword Books Ltd., 2013
The Battles of the British Navy
Allen, Joseph
The Victorian/Edwardian language and sentiments make this rewarding reading in themselves however the book also contains a wealth of detail of British navy engagements over a very wide range of time. If you can find a copy give it a try.
Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Est 1911
A Dictionary of Battles (1816-1976)
Young, Brig. Peter
A very useful collection of synopses of battles over the last 200 years. The battles are separated into geographic/chronoligical chapters with individual ones for major wars and a handy set of maps in the appendix. The individual entries give dates, combatants and strengths as well as a description of the action.
New English Library, London, 1977
The Battlefields of England
Burne, A.H
Originally published in 1950 and 1952 as two separate volumes, and can seem a little dated, it remains a classic on the major battles of England. More recent studies of the battles themselves may have revised Alfred Burne's conclusions, but they all pay hommage to his pathfinding.
Penguin Classic Military History Series, 2002
A Traveller's Guide to the Battlefields of Europe Vols 1 and 2
Chandler, David
Full of useful detail for the Battlefield enthusiast if beginning to look a little out-dated. It is also available in a single-volume, revised format and contains plenty of numerical information on forces engaged, casualties, actual location of the battlefields again although nearly 40 years out of date. A good place to start if wanting to visit the sites.
Hugh Evelyn London, 1965
The Dictionary of Battles
Chandler, David. Ed.
Details of a large number of battles from 480BC up to the Falklands War are supported by essays on tactics, the context and the commanders.
Book Club Associates, 1987
Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World
Creasy, Sir Edward
A learned text originally published in 1851 with chapters on early classical battles like Marathon, Syracuse, and The Metaurus through Hastings and Orleans up to Blenheim, Valmy and Waterloo.
Definitely showing its age, written in high Victorian English but well worth the effort for the serious historian.
Bently & Son, London, 1894
The Hinges of Battle
Durschmeid, Erik
Hodder and Stoughton, 2002
Regiments and Corps of the British Army
Hallows, Ian S.
A valuable reference book.
New Orchard Editions, 1994
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Artillery
Hogg, Ian V.
A good A-Z reference text of artillery, terminology and techniques mostly from the 19th century onwards but with a brief history of the development of artillery included. Also given are useful comparative tables of the guns of all the major nations.
Quarto, London, 1987
The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Vehicles
Hogg, Ian V. and Weeks, John
A reprint of a 1980 work, a little out of date but comprehensive listings for all Tanks, AFV's, APC's, SP Artillery and other military vehicles from around the world up to that point. An excellent reference including a brief history of their development from World War I onwards.
Quantum, London, 2003
The Oxford Companion to Military History
Holmes, Richard Ed.
A valuable point of reference.
Oxford University Press, 2001
Holmes, Richard
Subtitled "The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket" this is an account of the British Redcoat, his life, trials and tribulations from the 7 Yeasr War in the mid 18th century, to the Indian Mutiny and the Crimea in the mid 19th century. It's a Richard Holmes, so you can't go far wrong!
Harper Collins, London, 2001
The Great Admirals
Hough, Richard
A series of accounts of the achievements of twenty one Admirals from the 16th Century to the Second World War.
William Morrow & Co. Inc., 1977
Who's Who in Military History; From 1453 to the Present Day.
Keegan, John & Wheatcroft, Andrew
A useful reference work.
Book Club Associates, 1976
Dictionary of Wars
Kohn. George Childs,
An impressive overview of 4000 years of conflict. A useful source of easily accessible information.
Checkmark Books, 1999
The Damned die Hard, The story of the French Foreign Legion
McLeave, Hugh
Narative history of the Legion from it's formation in Spain in 1831 to its mutiny and withdrawal from Algieria in 1962. Short on detail such as dates and figures, but full of dramatic story.
Saxon House, 1974
Battle Honours of the British Army
Norman, C B
A re-print of a 1911 work covering the period 1662 to 1901. It takes a campaign, details the regiments (British and Colonial) of the British Army which are permitted to bear the battle honours on their colours with a precis of the battles themselves, casualty figures by regiment (again, Crown regiments only, not their opponents) and other useful information.
David & Charles Ltd, Devon, 1971
Military Uniforms 1686 - 1918
North, Ren
A slim volume but a rather nice overview of the development of uniforms. Well illustrated.
Hamlyn Paperbacks,
English Battlefields
Rayner, Michael
A weighty volume incredibly listing over 500 battlefields, and it just covers England. By their nature, some of the entries are short as historical records can be sketchy, but many of the entries are lengthy, detailed and the book is full of maps, diagrams and illustrations. An essential text for anyone interested in the military heritage of England.
Tempus, 2004
The Guiness Book of Military Blunders
Regan, Geoffrey
A number of bungled battles are grouped under eight headings. Amusement and disbelief at the immense stupidity of military people is moderated for as the introduction says; '...we must never forget that they were paid for in blood and human suffering.' Well worth a read and perhaps a re-read.
Guiness Publishing Ltd., 1991
The Safeguard of the Sea
Rodger N.A.M.
Well written thoroughly researched story of the English Navy 660 to 1649. Left me wanting the continuation of the story 1650- ?
Penguin Books, 2004
Battles in Britain 1066 - 1547
Seymour, William
Accounts of the battles are supported by illustrations and, in many cases, photographs and/or maps of the landscape today.
Book Club Associates, 1975
The Complete Guide to the Battlefields of Britain
Smurthwaite, David
A page or two explains the battle and the imposition of drawings of combattants positions on to modern O.S. maps make this a useful book for the battlefield explorer.
Michael Joseph Ltd. 1993, 1984
Great Raids in History; From Drake to Desert One
Southworth, Samuel A. Ed.
Chapters on nineteen raids are written by various authors. Interesting but will probably leave you wanting to know more.
Sarpedon, 1997
Hastings to Culloden, Battles of Britain
Young, Peter & Adair, John
Sutton, 1998