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Mametz Wood 2, Somme day 10
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Mametz Wood 2, Somme day 10
Date(s) : 10 July 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for British & Commonwealth Forces over German Forces
Type of battle : Land
30th Division of XIII Corps advanced through Trones Wood but were driven back only retaining the south-eastern portion. XV Corps 38th Div. fought through the day and secured Mametz Wood in conjunction with 17th Div. attacking towards Contalmaision a link was made with 23rd Div holding that position. 23rd Div of III Corps had suffered serious losses in taking the village the 8th Batt. Green Howards, 69 Brigade, were reduced to 5 officers and 150 men. 25 Div. of X Corps attempted to get round the rear of Orvillers but were counter-attacked and made little progress.