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The Ancre 1, Somme day 136
Engagement/Skirmish Name : The Ancre 1, Somme day 136
Date(s) : 13 November 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for British & Commonwealth Forces over German 2nd Army
Type of battle : Land
A large attack along both sides of the River Ancre by troops of II, V, and XIII Corps. After a considerable fight both 19 Div. and 39 Div of II Corps achieved and held their objectives. V Corps included men of the Royal Naval Division, [63 Div.] who fought from 0530 hrs and took their objectives about 2130hrs. 51st Div., II Corps, met stiff opposition but by 2100hrs had taken Beaumont Hamel and consolidated much of their position. 2nd Division took their first objective and much of their second objective but had suffered such heavy losses they were unable to hold. Reinforcements suffered a similar fate. The 3rd Div. attack became a shambles in a sea of waist deep mud. 31st Div., XIII Corps advanced to form a protective flank for 3rd Div. but were pulled back after 3rd Div. failed.