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Kursk (Operation Citadel)
Battle Name : Kursk (Operation Citadel)
Date(s) : 05 July 1943 - 16 July 1943
Part of : Second World War , Eastern Europe ,
Outcome : A victory for Russian Army over German Army
Type of battle : Land
Considered to be the largest tank battle in history.
The German Army Group Centre under Kluge and Army Group South under von Manstein attempted to eliminate the Russian salient around Kursk but were held back by effective Russian defensive actions and counter-attacks. Hitler ordered a withdrawal which the Russians vigorously followed up.
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The German Army Group Centre under Kluge and Army Group South under von Manstein planned an ambitious offensive to eliminate the Russian salient around Kursk but preparations took so long that by July 1943 the Russians had prepared a considerable defence in depth and achieved superiority in both men and tanks.
The Ninth Army (Kluge) attacked the north side of the salient but advanced only around 6 miles before being halted. Von Manstein's Fourth Panzer Army attacking the southern side bit 25 miles into Russian territory before also grinding to a halt. Both armies were still more than 100 mile from cutting off the salient when the Russian counter-attack hit on the 12th July, putting the Germans into retreat.