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Guillemont 4, Somme day 68
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Guillemont 4, Somme day 68
Date(s) : 06 September 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : An inconclusive engagement between British & Allied Forces and German Forces
Type of battle : Land
Most attempted British attacks were not only repulsed but strongly counter-attacked. A day on which very little ground exchanged hands for quite a large loss of life.
More details
XIV Corps. A lot of ground was gained in Bouleaux Wood but before it could be consolidated a strong counter-attack came in. The line was held at the Leuze Wood trench. The fighting in Ginchy continued.
XV Corps. The 7th Division troops in their second attack on Ginchy managed to break into the village but a counter-attack forced them back to their start line. The attacks by the 55th Division along Wood Lane were unsuccessful but a small amount of headway was made along Tea Trench.
Guillemont was now completely in British hands and consolidated as a springing off base for the attack on Ginchy.