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Ancre Heights 1, Somme day 93
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Ancre Heights 1, Somme day 93
Date(s) : 01 October 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for British & Commonwealth Forces over German Forces
Type of battle : Land
During this phase of the Somme mud became a feature affecting trenches and movement. Objectives set were Transloy Ridge and Ancre Heights. New Zealanders, XV Corps, took the strong point called the circus and gained their day's objective. Troops of III Corps captured Flers Lines but failed to take Eaucourt L'Abbaye. The Canadian Corps suffered severe losses before reaching their jumping off point. They fought through and made substantial gains only to lose most of them to heavy counter attacks. II Corps continued to attack Schwaben Redoubt without success.