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Ginchy, Somme day 71
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Ginchy, Somme day 71
Date(s) : 09 September 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for British & Allied Forces over German Forces
Type of battle : Land
Ginchy was taken plus a considerable part of the trench works which lead to the Quadrilateral to the east of Ginchy. In spite of repeated counter-attacks all gains were held.
More details
XIV Corps. Part of the 56th Division attacking northeast from Leuze Wood were at first repulsed by machine-gun fire. Later troops managed to take the German front line in Bouleaux Wood, southeast of Ginchy. A 300yd section of the trench running southeast from the Quadrilateral [due east of Ginchy] was also taken. The 16th Division after a full day's fighting managed to capture the western part [over half the village] of Ginchy and held it against repeated counter-attacks.
III Corps. The 1st Division was given the task of clearing High Wood. In spite of artillery support and the explosion of mines the attack was beaten back.
Canadian Corps. The 1st Canadian Division attacked the front line trench which crossed the railway northwest of High Wood. They took their objective and held it against repeated counter-attacks.