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Elixhem [Lines of Brabant]
Battle Name : Elixhem [Lines of Brabant]
Date(s) : 17 July 1705 - 18 July 1705
Part of : The War of the Spanish Succession ,
Outcome : A victory for Marlborough's Allied Army over Franco-Bavarian Alliance
Type of battle : Land
On the 17th the Dutch under Overkirk move slowly and obviously westwards. Marlborough had bridges constructed over the Mehaigne, the river between the Dutch and the British, which the French interpreted as Marlborough moving South to link up with the Dutch. Overnight the Dutch marched North and so did the British. By the first light of dawn 5 am the British were through the defences and when the first support/counter attack rushed up from the south Marlborough had a sizeable advanced guard in place. The battle of Elixhem took place between 7 and 8 am and was mainly a cavalry encounter, Marlborough himself leading one of the charges. By 8am the Franco-Bavarians were routed and although some of their infantry left the field in good order the impetus of their defeat was conveyed to the whole army which fell back rapidly on Louvain.