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Battle Name : Aire
Date(s) : 06 September 1710 - 08 November 1710
Part of : The War of the Spanish Succession ,
Outcome : A victory for Marlborough's Allied Army over French Garrison
Type of battle : Land, Seige
The seige was timed to run simultaneously with the seige of St.Venant. The Prince of Anhalt-Dessau commanded the seige for the Allies and M. de Goësbriand with 15 battalions and 7 squadrons of dragoons defended the fortress. The French put up a determined defence and this combined with poor provisioning of the beseigers lead to a protracted engagement. The Governor began discussions for terms on the 8 November and he and his men were allowed to march out to St. Omer.
The town of Aire in northern France, on the river Lys. (France)