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Thiepval 5, Somme day 92
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Thiepval 5, Somme day 92
Date(s) : 30 September 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for British & Commonwealth Forces over German Forces
Type of battle : Land
Troops of XIV Corps made small but significant gains including the storming of Destremont Farm. Troops of II Corps 11th Div. fought all day and by the end of the day they gained nearly all their objectives. 18th Div. efforts ebbed and flowed, at times being reduced to hand-to-hand fighting. In the face of strong counter-attacks by the end of the day they had gained only a little ground.
Over all the five days of Thiepval Ridge nearly all final objectives had been gained and the Allied front advanced about 2000 yards in this sector.