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Stones River (Murfreesboro)
Battle Name : Stones River (Murfreesboro)
Date(s) : 31 December 1862 - 03 January 1863
Part of : American Civil War , Western Theatre, 1862 ,
Outcome : An inconclusive engagement between American Confederate Forces and American Union Forces
Type of battle : Land
Rosecrans' Union army of the Cumberland faced Bragg's Confederate Army of Tennessee at Murfreesboro on the 30th. The Confederates attacked at dawn on the 31st, catching much of the Union force at breakfast as they had before, and drove them back in dissarray into a hooked position 3 miles away. On the 2nd, the Confederates attempted to dislodge Union positions on the important high ground east of the river. The rebels fought hard, routing the Union troops but were then caught in the enfilading fire from the guns across the river and cut down.
When the 3rd dawned, with Rosecrans sitting tight, Bragg had no choice but to withdraw. Thought of as a marginal Northern victory, in practice both side suffered in excess of 30% casualties and were crippled for some time after.
More details
Rosecrans' Union army of the Cumberland marched relentlessly towards Bragg's Confederate Army of Tennessee at Murfreesboro despite Jo Wheeler's cavalry hit'n'run raids in his rear.
Both sides arrayed for a showdown on the 30th north of the small Tennessee town. The Confederates attacked at dawn on the 31st, catching much of the Union force at breakfast as they had before, and drove them back in disarray into a hooked position 3 miles away. The Union line was saved by stiff resistance from Phil Sheridan's division who had anticipated the attack and been ready early.
New Years day was spent skirmishing and manoeuvring, with the Yankees taking the important high ground east of the river. On the 2nd, Bragg ordered Breckinridge's men to dislodge them from this position, and indeed the rebels tried, routing the Union troops but were then caught in the enfilading fire from the guns across the river and cut down.
When the 3rd dawned, with Rosecrans sitting tight, Bragg had no choice but to withdraw. Thought of as a marginal Northern victory, in practice both side suffered in excess of 30% casualties and were crippled for some time after.