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Somme day 70
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Somme day 70
Date(s) : 08 September 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : A victory for German Forces over British & Allied Forces
Type of battle : Land
A series of strong German attacks lead eventually to the loss of Fabeck Graben which had been gained by the Anzacs five days before. In spite of a series of attacks and advances at the end of the day the British had no gains.
More details
At the start of the day about 300 yards of Fabeck Graben was in British hands, although a series of attacks were beaten off eventually the Germans were successful.
XIV Corps. The 56th Division attempted to fight their way forward from Leuze Wood. They had a degree of success but a counter-attack forced them to withdraw.
XV Corps. The 55th Division were successful in beating off, with small arms and Lewis gun fire, a strong German attack.
III Corps. The 1st Division attacked through High Wood and achieved their objectives. However these gains were not consolidated and troops were withdrawn overnight.