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Austro-Neapolitan Conflict
War Name : Austro-Neapolitan Conflict
Date(s) : 04 April 1815 - 08 August 1815
Part of : The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars ,
Joachim Murat, King of Naples, threw his weight behind Napoleon on his escape from Elba. Declaring, rather grandly a war of Italian Liberation. Specifically he was opposed to Austria in northern Italy. Other Allies joined in against Murat particularly the British Navy in the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas. His troops were never enthusiastic for the fight and without his immediate command his generals [with few exceptions] were not really committed to the fight either. Murat fled to France but his services were rejected by Napoleon. On 20th May 1815 peace negotiations began. Murat returned to Calabria, was captured, and executed on 13th October 1815.
Also includes the following
- Ronco 21 April 1814
- Pesaro 28 April 1814
- Modena 04 April 1815
- Occhiobello 07 April 1815
- Carpi 10 April 1815
- Casaglia 12 April 1815
- Cesenatico 23 April 1815
- Scapezzano 01 May 1815
- Tolentino 03 May 1815
- Ancona 05 May 1815 - 30 May 1815
- Castel di Sangro 13 May 1815
- Mignano 17 May 1815
- Gaƫta 28 May 1815 - 08 August 1815