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Battle Name : Pruth
Date(s) : 09 July 1711 - 10 July 1711
Part of : Russo-Turkish war, Fourth ,
Outcome : A victory for Turkish Army over Russian Army
Type of battle : Land
As the Turks marched north on one bank of the river Pruth the Russians marched south on the other bank. Peter, commanding the Russian army, sent his cavalry far ahead to capture and destroy Turkish supplies. The Turkish army cross the river behind Peter who was then trapped and encircled. 300 cannon were placed in the ring around his makshift defences. Turkish attacks were repulsed, and a Russian sortie inflicted heavy losses on the Tuurks.
Although the Turks were in a position to totally destroy the Russian army their commander, the Grand Vizier, chose to accept Peter's overtures for peace.
On the west bank of the river Prut [Pruth] the Romanian/Moldovian border about 100 miles north of Braila. (Romania)
Casualty figures
Russian Army
- Number engaged :
- 38,000
- Casualties :
- n/a
Turkish Army
- Number engaged :
- 200,000
- Casualties :
- n/a