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Pozieres Ridge 17, Somme day 39
Engagement/Skirmish Name : Pozieres Ridge 17, Somme day 39
Date(s) : 08 August 1916
Part of : First World War , The Western Front , The Battle of the Somme ,
Outcome : An inconclusive engagement between British & Commonwealth Forces and German Forces
Type of battle : Land
Attacks towards Guillemont were put in along the whole of XIII Corps front. Most units were held and forced back to their start line. The 1/8th Kings [Liverpool Irish] Battalion broke through and took most of Guillemont but were unsupported, cut off and surrendered the following day. The Anzacs gained some ground but were somewhat exposed and therefore withdrawn from some of their gains. In II Corps heavy German attacks on both flanks were mainly held but some withdrawal was neccessary on the right.