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Featured battle : Compiègne-sur-Oise

Part of The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars

Date : 27 June 1815

A significant part [numbers not recorded] of d'Erlon's shattered I Corps were retreating towards Paris. About 6,000 of Ziethen's I Corps attempted to block their route. The French fought them off and were able to slip round them and continue their retreat.

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The Green Howards, South Africa Monument

The Green Howards, South Africa Monument

A monument errected after the 2nd Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902 to commemorate the casualties in the various battalia of the Alexandra, Princess of Wales' Own Regiment of Yorkshire, also known as the Green Howards.

Gallery updated : 2022-04-04 08:33:43

Featured review :

A Short History of 7th Armoured Division

Captains M. Lindsay, M.E.Johnston & N.B.Harris
There are other books about the 7th Armoured Division but non so genuine. This book was written by two serving officers and the photographs sourced by another. It covers the period from June 1943 until July 1945 and was completed and printed by the British Army of the Rhine before the Division was disbanded. The map cover is extraordinarily good being eleven large separate sheets contained in a folder at the end of the book. The reader can readily refer to the appropriate map while reading the text. This is not just a good book it is a great book due in large part to its authenticity and its insights; it is is not all dry facts but speeds along with the Desert Rats with humour and sorrow as appropriate to the action.
Churchill said, of the story of the Desert Rats, ‘May the fathers long tell the children about this tale.’ One cannot but agreed.

British Army of the Rhine, July 1945

Reviewed : 2018-08-19 16:16:55